Principal Joyce Sample
Mrs. Sample began the 2023-2024 school year as the Dean of Students at Wolfe City High School, but ended the year serving as the interim principal as well. Being named the principal for the 2024-2025 school year, Mrs. Sample is excited to continue to serve WCHS and the community. She lists her priorities as maximizing the resources available to bring high standards, efficiency, and autonomy. This includes expertise of her staff members, potential of individual students, and relationships with the community.
When asked about her philosophy about education and goals for her students at WCHS, Mrs. Sample used three words: equity, access, achievement. She expresses a sincere dedication to look at all programs and experiences through a lens of equity and access to ensure that all students have what they need to realize their full potential. It is important to Mrs. Sample that barriers are removed for all students so that they have can reach for the highest levels of achievement. "We have to equip our teachers, support them, and trust them," she said. "With these guides in place, our students have the best chance possible. We have to look at what other schools are doing, what colleges expect, what trade opportunities are out there, and how to prepare our students to compete for the highest level in their area of interest no matter what that is."
Beginning her career in education at the university level as a writing instructor, Mrs. Sample began working in secondary education as an English teacher, teaching English 2, English 4, College Prep English, and Reading Intervention. She has also served at the high school level as a department head, mentor teacher, digital instructional coach, CCMR Coordinator, campus testing coordinator, academic advisor, dual credit coordinator, instructional team leader, UIL academic coach, National Honor Society advisor, class sponsor, and even assistant one act play director. "All of these roles, no matter how taxing, has helped prepare me to serve in the demanding capacity as a high school principal," Mrs. Sample says about all of the many hats she has worn over the years. "I just love to serve our public schools and be a help in any way needed. If I can do anything to set our students up for success, I am all for it even if it means adding more to my plate!"
Completing her dissertation this year, Mrs. Sample will have four degrees in total. This includes an Associates Degree from Grayson College in Psychology, a Bachelors Degree from TAMUC in Instruction and Design, a Masters Degree in Applied Linguistics, and the final Doctorate in English Studies. Because of her love for learning, she will undoubtedly find other opportunities to continue her education. "The world is always changing, and I am a self-admitted life long learner... or nerd, if you want to say it that way," she said.
As a 1999 Graduate of Bonham High School, she was a member of an award winning choir and focused on academics more than anything. She specifically remembers the amazing school spirit she enjoyed as a Purple Warrior and hopes to create the same type of culture in the schools where she serves. "Wolfe City High School is rich in history and tradition. The school spirit is evident, and I am so glad to be a part of that!" You will see her at many events, watching students shine at their activities!
On a personal note, Mrs. Sample shared that she is a mom and grandmother, which are the most important accomplishments of her life outside of her career! She and her husband have four kids who are all very different and successful in their own ways. She is very proud of the fact that they are all such independent thinkers and varied personalities. Their youngest is a sixth grader at WCMS and helps her mom at the HS quite a bit! She loves being a wolf just as much as her mom! She enjoys being in the band and all of the challenging added classes at the middle school level. The others are grown, married or in college. And then there is the granddaughter who is one year old and runs the whole family.
In her personal spare time, Mrs. Sample enjoys painting and reading mystery novels. Her newest interest while traveling is listening to true crime podcasts. While she works, you will likely hear smooth jazz playing in her office as it is her favorite type of music. And you will hear it often, as she has as much of an open door policy as her schedule allows. If you don't find her in her office, she is most likely in the classrooms or working at her rolling desk in one of the high school hallways.